Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Recycled ARt

Recycling and reusing the images of others has fascinated me.
The ability to transform and tell a new story using an old story has fueled my creativity for years.
The older the magazine the better. Every year displays a whole new understanding of culture as new generations take on the tasks of their ancestors.

Up coming event in Vancouver, WA

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Virtual Reality - Immersion

Great Class today, discussing immersion with Professor Dene Grigar at WSUV.
Here’s a list of Virtual Reality (VR) installations.

Ephemere – Char Davis
Website: http://immersence.com/ephemere/index.php
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa_aiw7yhpI

Augmented Reality Lab futurecinema.ca/arlab
Website: http://futurecinema.ca/arlab
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnX7y1-sZ1I&feature=player_embedded

Justin Love – window installation Snake Mountain Logistic Group Ministry of Casual Living
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLZPM55motA

Please link me to other VR projects that you know about.

If you happen through Vancouver this month check out the windows into art exhibit open 24hrs :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fine Art Prints


Just a few moments ago I was taking my first print making class. That’s a true statement as far as traditional fine art printing is concerned. Previously I had taken printing in High School learning to use the AB Dick press. Included are some of the prints I created during FA355 at WSU-Vancouver. I had an inkling this was going to be a fun course for me as I had always had a nagging voice inside my head prodding me to make prints. Well I found that I really love it. In fact I am trying to figure out how I can spend my life doing traditional art rather than sitting behind a computer screen frying my retinas. The slide show depicts work from dry point, etching and silkscreen. Enjoy!